Monday, September 27, 2010

Propaganda in Film- 4/8

What is your reaction to propaganda in films? Do you think it is OK for films to put in political messages? Why or why not?
4-6 sentences


The King said...

My reaction to propaganda is a good one because it teaches kids about society and what happens in a more simpler way to understand.

bookworm Hall said...

Propaganda in films isn't bad. It's freedom of expression. The first amendment and article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights both say that people have the right to freedom of expression. That right shouldn't be taken away from people because there's a right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that gives people the right to not have other people take away their rights.

belieber Lowe said...

I think it is ok, to use them in cartoons because some kids don't get it and if they don't it doesn't matter. And the adults watching cartoons, they would understand them and the kids wouldn't. And children don't know about politics, all they think is that they are watching a cartoon. So I think it's OK to use propaganda films and cartoons.

Sir Dupont said...

In my oppinion, it is okay to use propaganda in films to an extent. If it is just a few films in wich they express a particular view of an issue, that is okay because they have the right to do what they want. Although if it is in many different films that are being made because the goverment wants its people to believe a certain thing, I think that is unethical.

Ricardo Van Deveer said...

Propaganda just makes you think and shows you one side. Some propaganda makes you act without thinking though. Propaganda is OK in films because all it is is one side showing their opinion. Also both sides should be allowed to use film as a medium.

abell said...

I think it is ok to use propaganda in films. I think this because while you are watching the movie you do not understand it is propaganda your just having a good time. When I first watched happy feet I didn't know it was propaganda and I thought it was an ok movie and didn't think much of it after I saw it. After I found out it was propaganda I didn't really care or think much of it. As long as it is a good movie I think putting propaganda in it is fine.

SuzyQ McGehee said...

I think propaganda is ok. I think this especially if the political message is to raise awareness for a good cause. If there was no propaganda allowed, then there wouldn't be movies like Happy Feet. That movie raises awareness for pollution and global warming. Other movies do things similarly. I would not want this to go away.

Carly Jonas said...

I think that it's okay to have propaganda in films because the person who wrote the movie wanted the message to be in there. They waned their message to be heard and by making a movie it is a way to get large audience. And for the the most part the underlying message in films is such is a good lesson. Like Huck Finn, the book isn't agreeing with racism. It is cleary pointing out that it is wrong.

Bomb Jiggity Zanone said...

I think propaganda in films is ok because it gives people an easy way to see something. No matter if you're illiterate or dont like to read watching propaganda in film is much more easier than reading.

Cole a said...

I think it is ok to put a politacal message in a movie because it could make a difference. As long as it not enough for a kid to catch on it's ok. It could be a enviromental message and that could changes some peoples min about pollution and help the world.

sorrells said...

I think that it is okay to political messages in movies. I think this because sometime sit takes something like a movie to get a point across. I do not like when political points in movies are the focal point and it makes the movie boring. Best example is "Happy Feet" because it is about a penguin that can not sing and then it turns into Atlantic fishing.