Friday, October 15, 2010

Negative Campaigning- 4/26

Do you think it is necessary, ethical, or appropriate to have negative campaigning? Why?
Write 3-6 sentences


Suzy q McGehee said...

I think it is unethical and inappropriate in most cases. I say this because it is essentially saying that the person has nothing good to say about their self as a candidate, so they are talking bad about the other candidate. Although, I do think it is okay if the purpose can be justified and ethical. Something like the tobacco video clip we saw in class would be okay.

Bomb Jiggity Zanone said...

I dont think negative campaigning is appropriate in politics. If a candidate has something good to say about themselves, then they shouldn't need to negatively campaign. But sometimes it is necessary because people will believe it more.

Bomb Jiggity Zanone said...

I dont think negative campaigning is appropriate in politics. If a candidate has something good to say about themselves, then they shouldn't need to negatively campaign. But sometimes it is necessary because people will believe it more.

I'magleek Bell said...

I think when someone is campaigning for a presidency or something, negative campaigning is wrong. It's like you don't have anything nice to say about yourself, so you bring out all of the bad things in the other opponent. However, when it comes to things such as drinking and driving, smoking, and other harmful things, I think it is appropriate because it degrades things that should most definitely be degraded.

bookworm Hall said...

It is not necessary, ethical, or appropriate to have negative campaigning. It is not necessary because there are plenty of other ways to campaign (like maybe positive campaigning). It is not ethical because you wouldn't want it done to you and it's not nice at all. It is not appropriate because appropriate things are things that are right and okay to have, but negative campaigning isn't right or okay to have.

Ricardo Van Deveer said...

It is not the job of the candidate to show the weaknesses of his or her opponents. The candidate should be concerned with showing their political stances and rallying support for their causes. It is the job of objective news outlets to show a candidate's credentials.

Sir Dupont said...

In my oppinion,negative campaigning in certain areas funded by the goverment are okay for example: anti-smoking, anti-crime, ect. Although I do not think companies should be allowed to do negetive campaining. I believe this because negetive campaigning in companies will hurt other companies. Although things funded by the goverment are oday because they definitly help people.

abell said...

I think using negative campaigning isn't necessary. I think it can be unethical when use use it to make someone or a company sound bad. If you use it to make drinking and driving, smoking, and using drugs sound bad i think it is okay to use it. If you use it to hurt someone people might loose respect for them or their product. If you use it to try stop people from things that can harm you or other people i think it is okay.

sorrells said...

I think that it is not ethical but it is okay to do. I think that it is okay to do because the candidate will not point out their own weaknesses. I think that it should be used the strongest in things that will compromise your health.

alowe12 said...

I think in some ways it is appropriate, but that is only when you are campaigning something that might kill someone, like smoking. It also could be inappropriate when someone, say a canidate for president, says that the person they are running against kicks puppies, when they don't. They just want who ever is listening to the commercial to think the other person is bad and has no heart.